Q&A with Alpine Marketing Ventures

Question and Answer


Is social media marketing worth doing?


100% yes, social media marketing is worth doing. There is a lot more behind the scenes of social media than just posting a funny cat meme. Social media marketing takes planning and understanding of your client and prospective clients in order to have them visit your website and make a sale. It is crucial to be on social media as a business because if you aren’t, your competition is. We love this quote about the power of Social Media Marketing from Zen Media stating, “Being accessible to your customers – and your prospective clients – via social media is a vital means of developing relationships with them and helping them through the sales funnel.” This is a perfect way to state one of the biggest benefits of this style of marketing.

Social Media


I need help with my websites SEO, how can I go about figuring that out?


Lucky for you Alpine Marketing Ventures is on it. Did you know that one of the great opportunities that come with working with our company is that we can figure out SEO for you so you don’t have to. Check out our website for more information on how we can help you with your business and the digital marketing world.



How do I get into the Digital Marketing space?


Alpine Marketing Ventures has a Digital Marketing Internship where you are able to learn more about Search Engine Optimization, Google Analytics, Copyrighting, as well as a variety of other skills that give you a leap into the Digital Marketing world.

If you are not looking for an internship, or prefer to learn alone, we get it. Some of the best ways to get into digital marketing is just by doing it. Learn how to use the programs through Youtube, gain certifications from Hubspot Academy or Google, practice and practice some more, ask friends to create an advertisement for their company or help them right a blog and help them with the SEO of that blog. The options to learn are endless, you just have to seek them out.

Digital Marketing


Are print ads effective?


We have done the research, so you don’t have to. Print ads are effective and here is why, we discovered that “87.9% of people prefer to get their business ads through a magazine. When advertisements are received by mail, only 12% of people actually look at it. However, when ads are delivered right to the door, this number jumps to 93%.”  That percentage is huge and you would be a fool not to make your ad a print ad.

Print Advertising


What does it mean to keep progressing with my audience?


The definition of the word progress is,”a gradual betterment”. We can refer to this definition as we look at our target market. These people that we are targeting won’t always stay the same, these people grow and progress with their lives. As marketers we need to recognize that. By seeing other people grow it can help us grow and gear our content to our audience. Progressing with your brand doesn’t mean losing your brand identity, it can be the best way to find who you really are.


Do You Have Any Questions?

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