Are You Still Making This Common SEO Mistake in 2020? [Infographic]

Keywords are an important part of SEO. However, SEO has changed over the years. If you are still using old keyword SEO techniques, you could actually be harming your webpage’s search ranking. Make sure you are not making this common SEO mistake in 2020.

What people used to do:

In the early 2000’s, keyword density was an important SEO factor. The creator of a webpage could find a niche keyword, use the keyword many times throughout the site, and score high in search results. As a result, many website creators started stuffing keywords, using them as many times as possible. Sites with poor quality content or little information on a topic could score high in search results as long as the target keyword was used a lot.

Why that no longer works:

Today, search algorithms focus on content quality. Keyword density is not an important factor anymore. Using a keyword many times will not improve your website’s ranking. In fact, overusing keywords is penalized and will hurt your website’s search ranking. Overusing keywords has become a common SEO mistake.

What to do instead:

If you want your webpage to rank high in searches, you need to create quality content. Content that is relevant and comprehensive on a topic ranks higher in searcher than sites that are not. The Google search algorithm looks for proof terms (terms that show a website actually talks about a keyword topic) and relevant terms (terms that show a website fully covers a keyword topic).

Today, it is not enough for a webpage to say it is about something, it needs to actually cover that topic. If you want your page to rank higher, add more proof and relevant terms to improve the quality of the content on your page.

Don't Stuff Keywords Infographic

To learn more about SEO and digital marketing (like the importance of good copywriting) visit Alpine Marketing Ventures.

By Kathryn Sanders

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  1. […] Learn more about keywords and SEO. […]

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